Grandparents Club
Our Grandparents Club is very involved within our school! These people give unselfishly of their time and talents to make our school a better place.
Here are some things the grandparents have done or currently do at our school:
- Surprise our teachers with special treats or meals
- Read to our primary and elementary classes once a month
- Landscaped the front of our school creating a better parking space
- Painted outside the 4th grade and K3/Music buildings
- Purchased 6 picnic tables with Bingo money from 2023
- Had the Ticket Booth painted with the school logo
Next Up:
- Bingo Night on Friday, March 8, 2024 from 5:30PM - 8PM. (See Announcement Below)
If you want to be a part of the CA Grandparents Club, please contact Joy Edwards at